Midwest Biker Events

Midwest Biker Events has the most complete list of Kustom Kulture events in the Midwest.


If you are looking for Motorcycle Events then you came to the right place. We constantly hand pick some of the best Biker events throughout the Midwest and post them here.

Here at Midwest Biker Events, we have the most complete list of motorcycle events, rallies, biker parties, poker runs, rides, charity, benefit events, motorcycle swap meets and bike shows around the Midwest.

Our growing events page covers the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.


Midwest Biker Events has the most complete list of Kustom Kulture events in the Midwest. Most of our events are considered "Off the Grid" and include Tattoo Conventions, Chopper Shows and Hot Rods and of course, Motorcycle events.

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